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HeKKSaGOn Mini-workshop on

Mathematical Approaches to Medical and Life Sciences

[4] 18/MAY/16


10:25-10:30   Opening

10:30-11:10  Izumi Takagi (ILAS, Tohoku University)
Receptor-ligand models may explain diversity of forms and shapes

Abstract: In traditional reaction-diffusion models for pattern formation of Turing type, all species diffuse. On the other hand, in models based on receptor-ligand kinetics, bound- and free- receptors do not diffuse.
Some of receptor-based models have a continuum of stable steady states which have jump discontinuity. However, the relationship between the initial data and the limit pattern is not straightforward. This makes the long-time behavior of solutions rather complicated.
We propose, by way of examples, to interpret the behavior of solutions as explaining the diversity of resulting patterns.

11:20-12:00  Sohei Tasaki (FRIS, Tohoku University)
Self-organization of microbial communities against environmental pH variation


lunch break

13:30-14:10  Kurumi Hiruko (Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University)
Remarks on how to plan intermittent androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer: Mathematical analysis of model equations

Abstract: We consider a mathematical model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression (IAS) therapy for prostate cancer. The aim of the IAS therapy is to prevent prostate tumors from acquiring resistance to androgen suppression. Indeed, the relapse of prostate cancer is induced by the resistant tumors. Since prostate tumors acquire the resistance under androgen suppressed condition, it is important to control the androgen concentration suitably. For this purpose, the IAS therapy involves a careful combination of two periods, androgen suppression and non-suppression. The feature of the IAS therapy is formulated using a hybrid structure in the mathematical model. In this talk, we indicate what the mathematical model infers on how to plan the IAS therapy for prostate cancer.

14:20-15:00  Takashi Nakazawa (Research Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Tohoku University)
Shape Optimization for Flow Stability Control and its Application toward Hemodialysis

Abstract: The shape optimization problem is one of classic research themes in pure and applied mathematics, and also can play important roles in engineering and industry. In this presentation, first the shape optimization problem in fluid dynamics is introduced, and then less-invasive artificial blood tube used for Hemodialysis is designed as one of applications toward medical science.

coffee break

15:20-16:10  Yoshitaka Kimura (Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University)
The possibility of New Blind source method for clinical devices


Keita Iida (CRIETO, Tohoku University Hospital)
Complex systems found in life systems

Abstract: A central challenge of systems analysis in systems biology is to create a mathematical theory for the prediction of cell fate decision. However, the complexity as discussed in gene regulatory network has not yet been tractable because life systems unexceptionally incorporate stochastic, non-linear, and multifactor molecular interactions in cells, which also interact extracellular environment. In our presentation, we introduce our idea to formulate complex molecular network in Escherichia coli, and explain that the heterogeneous cellular responses are induced by the environmental stimulus.

16:20-17:00  Anna Marciniak-Czochra (Institute for Applied Mathematics, Heidelberg University)
Mathematical modelling of clonal selection in acute leukemias

Abstract: Motivated by clonal selection observed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we propose mathematical models describing evolution of a multiclonal and hierarchical cell population. The models in a form of partial and integro-differential equations are applied to study the role of self-renewal properties and growth kinetics during disease development and relapse. Effects of different time and space scales are investigated. It is shown how resulting nonlinear and nonlocal terms may lead to a selection process and ultimately to therapy resistance. The results are compared to AML patient data. Model based interpretation of clinical data allows to assess parameters that cannot be measured directly. This might have clinical implications for future treatment and follow-up strategies.

17:05-17:10   Closing

17:20-19:00  Party

CRIETO=Clinical Research, Innovation and Education Center,   FRIS=Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences,   ILAS=Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences

科学研究費  挑戦的萌芽研究     「多成分退化型反応拡散系によるパターンの制御」
課題番号 40154744    研究代表者 高木 泉(東北大学教養教育院)

created on 6/may/16