HeKKSaGOn Mini-Workshop 2015 in Sendai
Frontiers in Mathematical Sciences
[4: 19/APR/15]
group photo
10:15 -- 10:35 Stephan Huckemann (Göttingen)
Statistics, Geometry and PDEs: Challenges for Realistic Fingerprint
10:40 -- 11:00 Takashi Shioya (Sendai)
What is going on in metric measure geometry?
11:05 -- 11:25 Sohei Tasaki (Sendai)
Prediction and control of self-organization in life sciences
11:25 -- 11:45 Takashi Nakazawa (Sendai)
The next generation Hemodialysis by Collaborations from Mathematical Scientists to Medical Doctors -Shape Optimization problems of the artificial blood tubes-
11:45 -- 12:05 Alexandra Köthe (Heidelberg)
Mechanochemical symmetry breaking in Hydra Aggregates
lunch break
12:35 -- 12:55 Wilderich Tuschmann (Karlsruhe)
Moduli Spaces of Riemannian Metrics
13:00 -- 13:20 Satoshi Tsujimoto (Kyoto)
Automata and integrable systems
13:20 -- 13:40 Mamoru Tanaka (Sendai)
Property (T_B) for Orlicz spaces
13:40 -- 14:00 Masato Mimura (Sendai)
Local-global phenomenon of graph spectral gaps
Cherry Blossom Party
Organizing Committee
Izumi Takagi, Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University
Sohei Tasaki, FRIS, Tohoku University
Mamoru Tanaka, AIMR, Tohoku University
[created on April 13, 2015]